понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

Victor Hambardzumyan

He was born on Septembe 18 of 1908 to a family of an Armenian
scholar living in Tiflis (Old Tbilisi).His father Hamazasp Hambardzumyan,who was a lawer by proffesion and linguist by nature,
was the first one observe his son's exstraordinary love for figures and
In 1924,Victor,who was then sixteen,entered the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Leningrad Pedagogical Institute.A year later,he was transferred to the some department of Leningrad University.After his graduation,Victor successfully passed the exames for the postgraduate program at the Observatoryof Pulkov.At 25he was a professor .
In 1946 the Byurakan Observatory was founded and in 1950 scientist moved into his new apartment as the director Obsevatory.Victor Hambadzumyan lived in that dwelling for forty years and not once did he ever regret returning to Armenia,as he later wrote in his autobiography.
The renowned scientist lived to the age of eighty-eight.Hepublished several hundred scientific works on theoreticalphysics,astrophysics and mathematical physics, including the first textbook on "Theoretical Astrophysics"
Victor Hambarardzumyan has been decorated with numerous medals and awards ; he has been honored with the title of National Hero of Armenia

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